The trouble ticketing solution offered by Powertech is a complain handling module it is a mechanism that is used by an organization to track the detection, reporting, and resolution of problems.
The trouble ticketing solution is used to inform about the problems occurred to get the solution, it is a multi step function having a sequential step wise procedure which has to be followed to solve a problem. The sequence begins by ticket generation, generating a ticket means reporting of a problem at the server end, after the problem is reported it is assigned to a person, the problem is analyzed by the person, after analyzing the problem person solves the problem and then the ticket is closed.
As a ticket moves though the system, it is usually classified as the issue, which in turn determines the skill set and expertise level of the agent the ticket is assigned to. Until the issue is resolved, the "open ticket" for the problem remains in the work queue, with issues of highest priority taking precedence in terms of work flow.
Trouble ticketing system is a Web-based system and is associated with customer relationship management environments, such as call centers or e-business Web sites, or with high-level technology environments such as network operations centers (NOCs). |
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